

藝評 (只提供英文)

“Edinburgh festival: 4 of the best shows to see if you’re in a hurry” by JOLENE CAMPBELL, The Scotsman

“With no props except springy bars, they outdo the kind of physical tricks you see in certain over-heated circus shows, with no time wasted on build up or pauses for applause, and make it look almost easy.” 4-star by TIM CORNWELL, The Scotsman

“For the first 30 minutes we watched a display of remarkable acrobatics, Kung Fu, parkour and some almost balletic sections…” 5-star review by Chris Abbott, Sardines Magazine

“It was a rich, enjoyable experience that ultimately ended with welldeserved applause.” 4-star review by Hannah Madden, Deadline News

“I was blown away by the mastery of all types of dance on offer….Outstanding and astounding.” 5-star review (10/10) by DarkChatp

“It’s rare to see this sort of wordless acrobatic fusion done to overall comedic effect…” by Katharine Kavanagh, The Circus Diaries





表演者|文虢希、禤子騫(愛丁堡藝穗節 2019 版本)




香港藝術節 賽馬會當代舞平台 2017(獨舞版)、香港比舞 2018(群舞版)



東京表演藝術博覽 2018(日本)、北京舞蹈雙週 2018(中國)、NDA國際舞蹈節(韓國)2018、衛武營國家藝術文化中心 台灣舞蹈平台 2018(台灣)、愛丁堡藝穗節 2019(英國)