“Edinburgh festival: 4 of the best shows to see if you’re in a hurry” by JOLENE CAMPBELL, The Scotsman
“With no props except springy bars, they outdo the kind of physical tricks you see in certain over-heated circus shows, with no time wasted on build up or pauses for applause, and make it look almost easy.” 4-star by TIM CORNWELL, The Scotsman
“For the first 30 minutes we watched a display of remarkable acrobatics, Kung Fu, parkour and some almost balletic sections…” 5-star review by Chris Abbott, Sardines Magazine
“It was a rich, enjoyable experience that ultimately ended with welldeserved applause.” 4-star review by Hannah Madden, Deadline News
“I was blown away by the mastery of all types of dance on offer….Outstanding and astounding.” 5-star review (10/10) by DarkChat
“It’s rare to see this sort of wordless acrobatic fusion done to overall comedic effect…” by Katharine Kavanagh, The Circus Diaries
Name List
Artistic Director, Choreographer and Performer: Hugh CHO
Creative Performer: Steve NG, Alan CHENG, TO Chi Sing
Performer: Ace MAN, Jeff HUEN (Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019 version)
Producer: Andy LO
Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series, Hong Kong Arts Festival 2017 (solo version), Hong Kong Dance Exchange 2018 (group version)
Touring history
TPAM (Tokyo Performing Arts Meeting) 2018 (Japan), Beijing Dance Festival 2018 (China), New Dance for Asia International Festival 2018 (S.Korea), Taiwan Dance Platform, National Kaohsiung Center for the ArtsWeiwuuing 2018 (Taiwan), Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019 (UK)